Liu Ming
Liu Ming, male, lecturer, Department of finance, Nankai University, graduated from Nankai University. Director of China Society for economic and social system analysis (concurrently) researcher of Northeast Asia Economic Forum (concurrently) researcher of Northeast Asia Financial Cooperation Research Center (concurrently)
Character experience
educational background
1994-1998 bachelor's degree in economics, Department of finance, Nankai University. 1998-2001 master's degree in economics, Department of finance, Nankai University. 2001-2009, PhD in economics, Department of economics, University of Hawaii, USA.
work experience
2009.12-2009, assistant professor, Department of finance, Nankai University. 2009.5-2009.8 Department of sociology, University of Hawaii, USA, postdoctoral. 2001 -, research fellow, senior research fellow (concurrently) of Northeast Asia Economic Forum, USA. 2004-2009 research assistant, School of Social Sciences, Department of sociology, University of Hawaii, USA. 2002-2004 assistant professor, Department of economics, University of Hawaii, USA.
Lecture course
During his stay in the United States, he served as an assistant professor of "Advanced Microeconomics" and "Intermediate Microeconomics" in the Department of economics of the University of Hawaii. He taught "economic research methods, thesis writing and social survey" in Nankai University and "international capital market case analysis" in Nankai University. The students attending the class were senior undergraduates And senior undergraduate and master students from the United States, France and Western countries Professor Nankai University professional master "Economics (intermediate)" and "financial data analysis" Professor Nankai University double degree class "microeconomics" and "macroeconomics" organize and act as the main teaching teacher, teach "Chinese" in English in Nankai University Foreign Affairs Office, France, Singapore, Germany master student class China's economic analysis
Research direction
International finance, international economy, energy finance and experimental economy.
Main contributions
publish one’s thesis
“TheRoleofCultureinPublicGoodsandOtherExperiments.”PS:PoliticalScience&Politics,2011,44:740-744.(withSunKiChai,DolgorsurenDorjandKyleHampton) “CulturalComparisonsofBeliefs andValues:ApplyingtheGrid-GroupApproachtotheWorldValuesSurvey. ”BeliefsandValues,2010, 2(1):193-208.(withSun-KiChaiandMin-SunKim) “TheEffectofGDPGrowthonPharmaceuticalPatentProtection,1945-2005.”BrusselsEconomicReview,2009,52(2/3):1-21.(withSumnerLaCroix) “PatentsandAccesstoEssentialMedicines.”inKeithMaskus, ed.IntellectualProperty , GrowthandTrade.Vol .2,FrontiersofEcono micsandGlobalization.NewYork :Elsevier,2008, 423-464.(withSumnerLaCroix) Fishing,OceanRecreationandThreatstoHawaii'sC oralReefs:ResultsfromaDecember2004HouseholdSurvey.Honolulu :SocialScienceResearchInstitute,UniversityofHawaiiatManoā, 2006. (with Michael Hammett and David Johnson) income compensation system reform of public hospitals -- Based on the investigation and analysis of public hospitals in three cities, health economy research, 2011, No. 290, 3-6 the impact mechanism of European debt crisis on Latin American economy and Latin American policy measures and effectiveness, Latin American research, 2012, Vol. 34, No. 2, 3-9 China's loans in Latin America《 Latin American studies, 2012, Vol. 34, No. 4, 14-19
Conference Papers
"Property rights in pharmaceutical innovations, R & D, and output", Western Economic Association International Annual Conference, Honolulu, July 12008. (paper of annual conference of Western Economics) "pharmaceutical intellectual property rights and data exclusivity", economics research group meeting, East West Center, August 102005 China in the Arctic, ", AGUSciencePolicyConference,WashingtonD.C.,May2-3,2012 “SustainabilityandFinanceSupportinChina”,PacificCongressonMarineScience&Technology(PACON)22ndInternationalConference,Hilo,Hawaii, Dec9-142012 (invited), "economic development of the Yellow River Basin, Binhai New Area and Northeast Asia economic cooperation", keynote speech of the second China Yellow River Binhai Economic Development Cooperation Forum, October 26-27, 2012 (invited)
Award winning record
2006-2007, University of Hawaii Hong scholarship. 2006-2007, Northeast Asia Economic Forum, the first Northeast Asia future youth leader scholarship. 2001-2002, Hong's scholarship, University of Hawaii. 1999-2000, first class scholarship of Nankai University. 2000-2001, first class scholarship of Nankai University.
Chinese PinYin : Liu Ming
Liu Ming