Isn't it true to learn while learning
Synonym learning and learning generally refers to learning and learning, not to say "learning and learning, not to say" from Confucius' The Analects of Confucius, a famous sentence through the ages, handed down from generation to generation.
Kong Qiu (September 28, 551 B.C. - April 11, 479 B.C.), a native of China, was born in the state of Lu in the spring and Autumn period. Confucius is a great thinker and educator in ancient China, the founder of Confucian school, and one of the most famous cultural celebrities in the world. The spring and Autumn Annals, the first annalistic history book in China, is often full of praise and criticism on historical figures and events, which is called "spring and autumn brushwork". According to relevant records, Confucius was born in Changping Township, Zou County of the state of Lu (now Luyuan village, Nanxin Town, Southeast of Qufu City, Shandong Province). When Confucius died, he was 72 years old. He was buried in the northern Surabaya of Qufu City, where today's Confucius forest is located. Confucius' Thoughts on words and deeds are mainly recorded in the Analects of Confucius, a collection of quotations, and the historical records Confucius family preserved in the pre Qin and Qin and Han Dynasties.
Confucius said in the Analects of Confucius: "learning while learning, isn't it also Yu è? It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar? Is it not a gentleman who does not know but is not angry? " Some Confucius said, "he is also filial to his younger brother, and those who are good at committing crimes are rare; those who are not good at committing crimes and are good at making trouble are not. A gentleman's duty is based on his own, and his way of life is based on his own. Filial piety is also the foundation of benevolence Confucius said, "good words and good looks are good for benevolence." Zengzi said: I think about myself three times a day. Are you unfaithful to others? Do you believe in making friends? Is it easy to pass on? Confucius said: the country of Tao Qiancheng, respect and believe, save and love, make people with time. Confucius said: if a disciple enters, he will be filial; if he leaves, he will be fraternal; if he is sincere, he will believe; if he loves others, he will be benevolent; if he has spare power, he will study literature. Zixia said: virtuous and virtuous, parents, can do their best. When you serve the king, you can serve him. Keep your word when you make friends. Although it is said that I have not learned, I will call it learning. Confucius said: if a gentleman is not serious, he is not powerful; if he studies, he is not solid. If you are faithful to the Lord and have no friends, you should not be afraid to change them. Zengzi said: be cautious in the end and pursue the future, the people's morality will be thick. Zi Qin asked Yu Zigong, "master, as for being a state, you must hear about its politics. Seeking for harmony? "With it and with it?" Zi Gong said: "master is gentle, courteous and thrifty. The master's pursuit is different from that of others Confucius said: the father is there, and we should observe his will. If the father doesn't, watch what he does. Three years without changing his father's way, it can be called filial piety. Confucius said: the use of ceremony, harmony is precious. The way of the former king is beautiful. From small to big, we can't do something. It is not feasible to know peace without courtesy. Confucius said: faith is close to righteousness, and words can be repeated. Courtesy is closer to courtesy than disgrace. They can live in the same family. Confucius said: a gentleman can't have enough to eat and can't live in peace. If you are sensitive to things and cautious in speaking, you will have the right way. It's easy to learn. Zi Gong said: "poor but not flattering, rich but not arrogant. What is it like? " Confucius said, "yes. If the poor and happy, rich and good manners also Zi Gong said: "the poem says: it's like fighting, it's like digging, it's like grinding. It's called "and?" Confucius said: "give also, can be with the words of poetry already. Tell the past and know the future Confucius said, "if you don't suffer from the ignorance of others, you will also suffer from the ignorance of others."
Isn't it true to learn while learning? xuéérshíxízhī,búyìyuèhū? Learning and of course review and competition, an - dis this not very happy?
What about "learning while learning?" The literal explanation mainly has the following different opinions: 1. Zhu Xi's opinion in the collection of four books is as follows: learning and learning from time to time, then the scholars are familiar with it, and the center likes to say that it can't be improved. 2. The explanation of some primary school Chinese textbooks is: isn't it very happy to study and review frequently? (3) Yang Bojun's explanation in the translation and annotation of the Analects of Confucius is: isn't it happy to learn it and then practice it at a certain time? 4. Some scholars explain that it is pleasant to review (knowledge or ability) at a certain time after learning? 5. After learning it, I can still practice it at the right time. Aren't you happy?
Notes to the original text
Confucius said, "isn't it true to learn while learning? It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar? People don't know but don't sulk. Isn't it a gentleman? " Confucius said, "it's very pleasant to review what you have learned after study? Isn't it nice to have like-minded people coming from afar? Others don't understand me, but I'm not angry. Aren't I also a morally cultivated person? (1) Zi: Sir, refers to Confucius. In ancient China, the honorific title for a man with status and knowledge is sometimes called a man in general. In the Analects of Confucius, "Zi Yue" refers to Confucius. Confucius (551-479 BC), with the name of Qiu and the word Zhongni, was born in zouyi (now Qufu, Shandong Province) of the state of Lu in the spring and Autumn period. He is the founder of Confucianism, a thinker and educator in ancient China. (2) learning: what Confucius said here is "learning", which mainly refers to his own theory. In the Zhou and Qin Dynasties, the word "Shi" was used as an adverb, meaning "at a certain time" or "at an appropriate time". However, Zhu Xi interpreted "time" as "time" in the Analects of Confucius. People's education press textbooks also interpret "time learning" as "review frequently". "Xi" refers to practicing rites and music; reviewing poems and books. It also means studying, practicing and practicing. On time, on time. (4) to say: Tongjia character, Yin Yu è, the ancient Chinese character with the real meaning of "Yue", happy. (5) friends: in ancient times, there was a difference between friends and friends: classmates (teachers) were friends and comrades were friends. I mean like-minded people here. (6) Music: sound L è, ancient sound Lu. It's different from saying. According to the old note, happiness lies in the heart, while happiness lies in the outside. (7) people don't know: this sentence is incomplete and doesn't say what people don't know. There is no object. Generally speaking, knowing means understanding. People don't know, it means that others don't know themselves. Angry, angry. (9) gentleman: a man of talent and virtue. (10) say, say. (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11) and (11. zhi: pronoun refers to the knowledge learned. ⒀ No: No. : the auxiliary word is equivalent to "Ma". "No "Hu" means "not It's a rhetorical question. ⒂ from: from. know: understand. The first sentence is about learning methods. For knowledge, "learning" is just a process of cognition, "learning" is a process of consolidation. In order to acquire more knowledge, "learning" and "learning" must be unified. The second sentence is about the fun of learning. The visit of like-minded people can enhance friendship, learn from each other and improve together. The third sentence is about attitude. "I don't know", after which the object "Zhi" is omitted
Chinese PinYin : xué ér shí xí zhī
Learning and learning
with aching head and knitted brows. jí shǒu cù é
be able to accept advice from one 's inferiors. cóng jiàn rú liú
People don't know, ghosts don't know. rén bù zhī,guǐ bù jué