various diseases
Four hundred and four diseases, a Chinese idiom, Pinyin is s ì B ǎ is ì B ì ng, which means four seasons' pain of four limbs and one hundred bodies, and generally refers to various diseases. It comes from Pinghua in the annals of the Three Kingdoms.
The origin of Idioms
The first volume of Pinghua in the annals of the Three Kingdoms: "when a scholar lifts the lid of the box with his hand, there is only one volume of documents. If he takes it out and reads it, it is a book to cure the four hundred and four diseases."
Idiom usage
Used as an object or attribute; used in writing. Example: in Ming Dynasty, Hong Hong Hong's qingpingshan hall story book, Hualian sedan chair, female or Buddha record: "four hundred and four patients can guard, only acacia is uncomfortable."
Chinese PinYin : sì bǎi sì bìng
various diseases
not affect the general situation. wú guān dà jú
lift one 's feet very high and put them down very slowly. jiǎo gāo bù dī
the needle seems to fly and the thread seems to run. fēi zhēn zǒu xiàn