7788, Chinese idiom, Pinyin is Q ī Q ī B ā B ā, meaning similar; fragmentary, various. It comes from the marriage story of awakening the world.
The origin of Idioms
In the 87th chapter of the romance of awakening the world written by Xi Zhou Sheng in the Qing Dynasty: "it's said that the immoral place where I sent my sister is just like sister Su's
Analysis of Idioms
As subject, object, attribute; used in spoken English. In Chapter 39 of the second volume of Lu Yao's ordinary world, he said to runye for a long time on July 788. In addition to the difficulties in future fertility, he mainly expounded the advantages of this marriage Please put these in order.
Chinese PinYin : qī qī bā bā
unpredictability of world affairs. dōng hǎi yáng chén