prove successful in every test
The Chinese idiom pinyin is l ǚ sh ì L ǚ y à n, which means that it is very effective after many experiments. It comes from the biography of three Suiping demons by Luo Guanzhong of Ming Dynasty.
Idiom explanation
Test: effective. Many experiments have proved to be effective.
The origin of Idioms
Chapter 12 of the biography of three Suiping demons by Luo Guanzhong of Ming Dynasty: "if I collect some soup powder, it will not hurt when I apply it, and the scar will fall off. Many people have been saved after many trials. "
Analysis of Idioms
Synonym: it's been tried and tested.
Idiom usage
The predicate, the object; the reference is very suitable.
Although my home side has been tested many times, it's not as expensive as it is expensive. It costs only a few words, so it doesn't spread widely. The 55th chapter of Jing Hua Yuan by Li Ruzhen in Qing Dynasty.
Chinese PinYin : lǚ shì lǚ yàn
prove successful in every test
the feather is not yet fully grown. yǔ máo wèi fēng
From the beginning to the end. chè shǒu chè wěi
turn pale at the mention of a tiger. tán hǔ sè biàn
one aims for the far-off future. zhì zài qiān lǐ
both fine blossoms in their season. chūn lán qiū jú