Tower of light
"Tower of light" is an animated short film released in 2010 in Taiwan, China, directed by Ji Baizhou. It tells the story of the mood of overseas travelers and their gratitude to their parents.
Introduction to the plot
The world is a boundless sea. At the other end of the sea, there is infinite vision and hope. Young people are attracted by it. They are willing to leave the harbor where they grew up and invest in endless exploration. Home, like an island and a lighthouse, is always the coordinate of the return of the wanderer. My father's love is deep, broad and silent. He put the babbling child into the boat and protected him to shake the oars. With the growth of age, small boats become bigger, and the scope of children's parade is becoming wider and wider.
One day, the child will go to the distance, just like his father when he was young, the only constant thing is the lighthouse that has guarded generations of wandering children, shining with warm light.
Making Of
This is an animated short film created by Ji Baizhou, a student studying in the United States.
In 2011, Ji Baizhou, a Taiwan student studying in the United States, was shortlisted for the Academy of film arts's student Oscar animation "Tower of light". This sketch of exploring family relationship won 19 international film exhibitions and was invited to be shown in the new harbor Beach International Film Festival together with this year's best animated short film "lost and found".
Ji Baizhou's "Tower of light" is seven minutes and thirty seconds long. It describes a wanderer who is far away from his hometown in pursuit of his dream. His parents are like lighthouses supporting and guarding his children. The film was uploaded to YouTube on March 26, 2011, and has attracted about 2000 netizens. A lot of netizens call directly, haven't seen the tears to flow down.
In an interview, Ji Baizhou said that although the "Tower of light" was his homework in UCLA, he had already begun to conceive the story when he was preparing to go abroad. He said that studying abroad and going on the road of creation need the support of his family. The "Tower of light" is a work that he thanks his parents for their great cultivation and unlimited support. Coincidentally, in the first year of his study abroad, his baby son also came to report. He changed from a son to a father and felt the wonder of inheritance. He hopes that this work can tell the feelings of the overseas travelers and their thanks to their parents.
Address: Tongmeng 2nd Rd, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung
Longitude: 120.30441
Latitude: 22.620697
Chinese PinYin : Guang Zhi Ta
Tower of light
Guanyin Temple Pagoda in Lu'an. Liu An Guan Yin Si Ta