Liu Qun
Liu Qun, researcher, Professor, doctoral supervisor.
Academic part time job
Director of China Computer Society
Director of terminology examination and Approval Committee of Chinese Computer Society
Editorial board member of communication of Chinese Computer Society
Deputy director of Machine Translation Committee of Chinese information society of China
Member of Chinese language resources construction and Management Committee of Chinese information society
Editorial board member of Chinese Journal of information technology
Member of National Technical Committee for terminology standardization (SAC / tc62)
Deputy director of the French text sub committee of the National Technical Committee for language standardization
Professor, Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Member of SIGHAN 2008 procedure Committee
Member of acl2008 and acl2009 procedure Committee
work experience
2003 ~ now professor of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences (part time)
From 2006 to now, he is a researcher and doctoral supervisor in Institute of computing technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Learning experience
From September 1999 to May 2004, the Institute of Computational Linguistics of Peking University (on-the-job study) received a doctor of Science degree
From September 1989 to July 1992, the Institute of computing technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences obtained a master's degree in engineering
From September 1984 to July 1989, the Department of computer science, University of science and technology of China received a bachelor's degree in engineering
research project
Research on machine translation method integrating language knowledge and statistical model (key project of NSFC, 2008-2011)
Research on Key Technologies of machine translation for cross language search (863 key project, 2007-2010)
Research on statistical machine translation method based on phrase structure transformation template (NSFC, 2006-2008)
Domain oriented customizable Chinese English machine translation system (863 key project, 1998-2000)
Research on new methods of machine translation (863 project, 2005-2006)
General machine translation development platform and Chinese English machine translation system (863 project, 1996-1998)
Main papers
Journal Papers
Conference Papers
WenbinJiang,LiangHuangandQunLiu,AutomaticAdaptationofAnnotation Standards:ChineseWordSegmentationandPOSTagging--ACaseStudy ,inProceedingsofACL-IJCNLP2009,Singapore,August2-7,2009
HaitaoMi, LiangHuangandQunLiu.Forest - BasedTranslation.InProceedingsofACL -08:HLT,pp192-199,Columbus,Ohio,USA.2008
WenbinJiang,LiangHuang,QunLiuandYajuanLü.ACascadedLinearModelforJointChineseWordSegmentationandPart-of- SpeechTagging.InProceedingsofACL -08:HLT,pp897-904,Columbus,Ohio,USA.2008
ZhongjunHe,QunLiu, ShouxunLin.PartialMatchingStrategyforPhrase -basedStatistic alMachineTranslation.InProceedingsofACL -08:HLT,pp161-164.Columbus,Ohio,USA.2008.
ZhongjunHe,QunLiu, ShouxunLin.ImprovingStatisticalMachineTranslationusingLexicalizedRuleSelection .Proceedingsofthe22ndInternationalConferenceonComputationalLinguistics(COLING2008),pages321-328.Manchester, UK.Aug ,2008
WenbinJiang, HaitaoMiandQunLiu.WordLatticeRerankingforChineseWordSegmentationandPart -of- SpeechTagging.Proceedingsofthe22ndInternationalConferenceonComputationalLinguistics (COLING2008),Manchester, UK.Aug ,2008
QunLiu,ZhongjunHe,YangLiu, ShouxunLin.MaximumEntropybasedRuleSelectionModelforSyntax -basedStatistic alMachineTranslation.ProceedingsofEMNLP2008 ,Honolulu,Hawaii.
Chinese PinYin : Liu Qun
Liu Qun