Make a fresh start
Chinese idiom, Pinyin is l ì J ī NGG ē ngsh ǐ, which means to cheer up and engage in innovation. It comes from Xuandi Ji in the history of Han Dynasty.
The origin of Idioms
Ban Gu, Han Dynasty, wrote in the book of Han Dynasty, Xuandi Ji: "he pardoned the whole world and made great efforts to reform with the literati."
Idiom usage
Used in writing, commendatory
Analysis of Idioms
Synonyms strive for strength antonyms cling to the incomplete
Chinese PinYin : lì jīng gēng shǐ
Make a fresh start
golden rule and precious precept. jīn kē yù lǜ
Floating stone and sinking wood. fú shí chén mù
seasonal pathogens , exopathogens. sì shí zhī qì
Cover up the past and promote the good. yǎn guò yáng shàn