The brow does not extend
Frown, Chinese idiom, Pinyin is m é it ó UB ù sh ē n, which means to describe the appearance of depression. It comes from the biography of Guo Chongtao in the book of the new Tang Dynasty.
The idiom comes from the biography of Guo Chongtao in the new book of the Tang Dynasty: "Guo Chongtao's brow is not stretched out. He often cherishes money for rent. Although his majesty wants to do something, can he get it?"
Chinese PinYin : méi tóu bù shēn
The brow does not extend
the wind puffs the clouds away. fēng juǎn cán yún
one should not pursue pleasure to its extreme. lè bù kě jí
guard against losing one 's temper and repress one 's sexual passion. chéng fèn zhì yù
a makeshift to tide over a present difficulty. wān ròu chéng chuāng