A great scholar
Juxuehongsheng is a Chinese word, Pinyin is j ù Xu é h ó ngsh ē ng, which means a learned person.
A man of great learning. Yang Xiong's Yu Liefu, which was written in the Han Dynasty, said: "Yu Zihu, a great scholar, was crowned by the emperor erxuan, dressed in miscellaneous clothes, compiled the Tang code, selected Ya and song, and bowed to the front." used as subject, object and attribute; used in writing.
Chinese PinYin : jù xué hóng shēng
A great scholar
take bribes and bend the law. tān zāng huài fǎ
make a harmonious and orderly home. yí shì yí jiā
be able to accept advice from one 's inferiors. cóng jiàn rú liú