Compare power, Chinese words, Pinyin is B ǐ Qu á NLI à NGL ì, which means to compare and measure the power and power of two aspects. Also used to measure the weight of two aspects. It comes from the first treatise on Guo Qin.
The origin of Idioms
Jia Yi of Han Dynasty wrote in the treatise on passing the Qin Dynasty: "if we try to make the state of Shandong grow up with Chen she, we can't talk about it at the same time."
Idiom usage
Let's say that China has not changed from time to time, and that it is able to compete with the European powers! Wang Tao's reform in Qing Dynasty
Analysis of Idioms
Balance of weight
Chinese PinYin : bǐ quán liàng lì
break off flowers and willows. pān huā shé liǔ
Be ignorant of the affairs of the world. bù xiǎo shì wù
Cloud window and monthly account. yún chuāng yuè zhàng