a capable young man from a distinguished family
"The general" is a British film, released in May 2005, directed by Peter Marco, written by Peter Marco, William Bingham and John McCain, starring Shawn hatosi and Scott Glenn.
Name: jiangmenhuzi / two generations of soldiers / faith of my fathers director: Peter Markle type: inspirational story region: Britain language: English release time: May 30, 2005 introduction: Navy John McCain was influenced by his father when he was a child and enrolled in the Naval Academy. But on a mission, he was captured by the Vietnamese military and became a prisoner. Carrying the long-standing expectations of his father's generation, he spent these hard years with strong will and faith.
Chinese PinYin : jiàng mén hǔ zǐ
a capable young man from a distinguished family
violent political or social upheavals. tiān bēng dì jiě
Make fun of the wind and the moon. tiáo fēng nòng yuè
the evil governors ruled the state. chái láng dāng lù
young men and women in holiday dress. hóng nán lǜ nǚ