When looking for a job, be sure to listen to others' suggestions and avoid the following mistakes:
(1) Only focus on material income
Some people, out of economic considerations, engage in low-end jobs, even jobs whose legitimacy is questionable. In this way, they sold their personality, their body, their intelligence and even their soul. This unwise choice is extremely sad.
(2) Just to satisfy vanity
The purpose of looking for a job is not to find a job that can show off, but to find a job that can keep us engaged in for a long time without feeling tired, relaxed or depressed. On the contrary, if we only work to satisfy our vanity, we will soon feel that our wishes are not satisfied, our ideals are not realized, and we will complain Yuren.
(3) Physical incompetence
As far as we can choose, don't engage in occupations that are harmful to your health and beyond your physical limitations. Our constitution often threatens us, and no one can underestimate it. It's true that we can go beyond physical limitations, but in this way, we will collapse faster.
If we take all these into consideration, and the conditions of our life allow us to choose any kind of work, then we can choose a work that makes us most dignified; a work that is based on the right ideas that we firmly believe in; a work that can provide us with a broad space to carry out activities for human beings and approach the common goal For example, all work is just the work of means.
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