I'm fine. You don't have to worry too much
Sometimes I just can't sleep
Chat online after you finish your work
If you are tired, go to bed first
Maybe I'm still trying to be better
I hope you come back
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It's just that I'm afraid you'll forget me, too
In fact, I just want a sentence, a symbol of expression
I'll tell you, I'm doing well myself
I'll talk to you any time next time
Please don't turn off all the messages
Can you give me one more minute, one second and then stop
I'm sorry, but maybe I care about you
Now I just want to be nice
Do you know
Pretend to laugh, pretend not to worry
Pretend to forget your hug
Give up. Give up all love
But why can't I quit you
Can you give me one more minute, one second and then stop
I'm sorry, but maybe I care about you
Now I just want to be nice
You don't know
In fact, I just want a sentence, a symbol of expression
I'll tell you, I'm doing well myself
I'll talk to you any time next time
Why is the heart going crazy
Can you give me another minute and a second and forget it
Care bothers you
And I just want to be nice
Let you receive the blessing
Chinese PinYin : A Qin Xian Shang Liao Ge Ci
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