You don't want me
How can I forget how long it takes
Are you happy? I want to answer instead of you
You know what? It's a long way
I can face it
This concern is silent and sad
You don't want me
Heartbroken lost profile
Once touched you
It's just mood swings
It's not for me
Let you indulge in freedom
I can't hide my awkwardness
Even when you talk, you tremble
I was forgotten in the world
The corner you forget
How can I forget how long it takes
Are you happy? I want to answer instead of you
You know what? It's a long way
I can face it
This concern is silent and sad
You don't want me
Heartbroken lost profile
Once touched you
It's just mood swings
It's not for me
Let you indulge in freedom
I can't hide my awkwardness
Even when you talk, you tremble
I was forgotten in the world
The corner you forget
You don't want me
Heartbroken lost profile
Once touched you
It's just mood swings
It's not for me
Let you indulge in freedom
I can't hide my awkwardness
Even when you talk, you tremble
I was forgotten in the world
The corner you forget
I was forgotten in the world
The corner you forget
Chinese PinYin : Ma Rui Ni Yao De Bu Shi Wo Ge Ci
Lyrics of "you don't want me" by Mari
Song lyrics of sparrow by Zheng Bingbing. Zheng Bing Bing Ma Que Ge Ci Yuan Chuang Ji Ta Dan Changdemo Ge Ci
Lyrics of Eason Chan's Zhang's love song. Chen Yi Xun Zhang Shi Qing Ge Ge Ci
Lyrics of Gao Lingfeng's rolling memory. Gao Ling Feng Fan Gun De Ji Yi Ge Ci
Lyrics of Mo Wenwei's actually I always want to tell you. Mo Wen Wei Qi Shi Wo Yi Zhi Dou Xiang Dui Ni Shuo Ge Ci
Lyrics of Ouyang Feifei's true, dream or fate. Ou Yang Fei Fei Shi Zhen Shi Meng Hai Shi Yuan Ge Ci
Lyrics of guanmucun's "moon is dim and bird is dim". Guan Mu Cun Yue Meng Long Niao Meng Long Ge Ci
Liu liyang's lyrics belong to you. Liu Li Yang Shu Yu Ni De Ge Ge Ci
Lyrics of Han Geng's I don't lack. Han Geng Wo Bu Que Ge Ci
Lyrics of the world of mortals. Si Tu Lan Fang Hong Chen Yong Xiang Ban Ge Ci
Lyrics of sweetheart by pansiting. Pan Si Ting Tian Xin Ge Ci