My loneliness and my tears
My performance doesn't matter
It takes suffering to be strong
If you want to regret, you need to repent
Better shut up
Oh, yeah, that's cute
Although others will be moved and strange
It's not fair. I can't accept it
Looking for comfort everywhere
It's too precious for me
The vast sea of people will not retreat
I go to sleep in my black dream
There is no right or wrong in dreams
There are safety and danger in dreams
I'm talking nonsense in the age of dreams
When you wake up, you will be free
I don't know. I can't say it
I can't
There is no right or wrong in dreams
There are safety and danger in dreams
I'm talking nonsense in the age of dreams
When you wake up, you will be free
I don't know. I can't say it
I can't
I don't know. I can't say it
I can't
I don't know. I can't say it
Chinese PinYin : Dou Wei Hei Se Meng Zhong Ge Ci
Lyrics of Dou Wei's black dream
Lyrics of Tan Yonglin's indulgence. Tan Yong Lin Fang Zong Ge Ci
Lyrics of Gao shengmei's ten thousand years a day. Gao Sheng Mei Yi Tian Yi Wan Nian Ge Ci
The lyrics of Anita Mui's love once. Mei Yan Fang Chi Chi Ai Yi Ci Ge Ci
Lyrics of the outside world by Mo Wenwei. Mo Wen Wei Wai Mian De Shi Jie Ge Ci
Lyrics of rain city by Zhao Yonghua. Zhao Yong Hua Xia Yu Cheng Shi Ge Ci
Lyrics of ulantoya's happy square. Wu Lan Tuo Ya Kuai Le Guang Chang Ge Ci
Lyrics of Li Ming here is quiet by Chang Shilei. Chang Shi Lei Zhe Li De Li Ming Jing Qiao Qiao Ge Ci
Lyrics of "actually I'm afraid to fall in love with you" by Tony Leung. Liang Chao Wei Qi Shi Wo Pa Ai Shang Ni Ge Ci
Lyrics of love like a question mark by Huang Yali. Huang Ya Li Xiang Wen Hao De Ai Qing Ge Ci
Lyrics of modern yamen by Peng Jianxin. Peng Jian Xin Mo Deng Ya Men Ge Ci
Lyrics of Heilongjiang in November by Qu Quancheng. Qu Quan Cheng Shi Yi Yue De Hei Long Jiang Ge Ci
Lyrics of Nie Feng's butterfly in a dream. Nie Feng Meng Zhong De Hu Die Ge Ci