No brainer
Our heads are buried in our thoughts
It's just as complicated
He can be your best friend
Can be the worst and worst enemy
Through the fruit of my thought, it seems so simple and smooth
But when you cross a threshold
You will see that I am constantly fighting against self doubt
You can see that I'm not safe
Every day is like a war
People around me talk to me all day
You have to have faith in yourself
I'll do it when I have time
There's nothing I can do when there's a fight
But I'm human
In fact, I gradually improved
I believe it's better than before
Chinese PinYin : Wei Lan Bu Jia Si Suo Ge Ci
Lyrics of Wei Lan's without thinking
Lyrics of when to look back by Chen Si'an. Chen Si An Ji Shi Zai Hui Tou Ge Ci
Lyrics of Chen Xiaodong's catch a dream. Chen Xiao Dong Zhua Meng Ge Ci
Lyrics of "sweet honey - singing at dusk - leaving incense on the pillow - I'm a thrush" by Xie Caixuan. Xie Cai Yun Tian Mi Mi Huang Hun Xiao Chang Zhen Pan Liu Xiang Wo Shi Yi Zhi Hua Mei Niao Ge Ci
Lyrics of each other by Zhou Bichang. Zhou Bi Chang Bi Ci Ge Ci
Lyrics of Cheng Fangyuan's I'm moved for you. Cheng Fang Yuan Wo Wei Ni Gan Dong Ge Ci
Lyrics of the moon buried by stars. Qun Xing Zang Yue Ge Ci
Lyrics of Gao An's love between brother and sister. Gao An Ge Mei Qing Yuan Ge Ci
Lyrics of Huang Yiwen's human. Huang Yi Wen Ren Ge Ci
Lyrics of the moon in fairy mountain by Zhang Lei. Zhang Lei Xian Nv Shan De Yue Liang Ge Ci
Lyrics of Dai Mengmeng. Dai Meng Meng Pi Xing Dai Meng Ge Ci
Lyrics of "on the east mountain top" by Pu buciren. Pu Bu Ci Ren Dong Shan Ding Shang Ge Ci