I love you and wish you happiness
Chen Xiaoyun
You are my only love
How can it become mutual harm
You are my only trust
Real life forces us to divide things
Who knows the pain of asking everyday
If you want to hate yourself
It's sad not to miss you
Although the affectionate let me go
I have to find a reason to comfort myself
Ah, I love you, I wish you happiness
I wish you happiness when I love you
You are my only love
How can it become mutual harm
You are my only trust
Real life forces us to divide things
Who knows the pain of asking everyday
If you want to hate yourself
It's sad not to miss you
Although the affectionate let me go
I have to find a reason to comfort myself
Ah, I love you, I wish you happiness
I wish you happiness when I love you
Chinese PinYin : Chen Xiao Yun Ai Ni Mei Zhe Zhu Ni Xing Fu Ge Ci
Lyrics of "I love you and wish you happiness" by Chen Xiaoyun
Lyrics of farewell to you by Fei Yuqing. Fei Yu Qing Song Jun1 Ge Ci
Lyrics of when lovers find their lovers by Shang Wenjie. Shang Wen Jie Dang Ai Ren Zhao Dao Ai Ren Ge Ci
Lyrics of goodbye! Goodbye there by Kuang Meiyun. Kuang Mei Yun Zai Jian Na Li Zai Jian Ge Ci
Lyrics of Tuoling by Gu Xuan. Gu Xuan Tuo Ling Ge Ci
Lyrics of Xu tingkeng's cruelty. Xu Ting Keng Can Ren Ge Ci
Lyrics of Qiu Yunzi's changing love. Qiu Yun Zi Bian Se De Ai Ge Ci
Lyrics of Zhang Dongliang's lonely border. Zhang Dong Liang Ji Mo Bian Jie Ge Ci
Lyrics of Kong Lingqi's none of its business. Kong Ling Qi Bu Guan Ta De Shi Ge Ci
Lyrics of "I love you only when I lose you". Qiu Ku Da Shu Shi Qu Ni Cai Dong Wo Ai Ni Ge Ci
The lyrics of suddenly. Sa Jiao Hu Ran Zhi Jian Ge Ci
Lyrics of just a rapper by Li Huiyu. Li Hui Yu Zhi Shi Ge Rao She Ge Shou Ge Ci
The lyrics of Runge's desire. Run Ge Ge Ke Wang Ge Ci