There is a face in my eyes that has forgotten the expression
It's a change of your habits
There is a forgotten oath in the words
This is the most common deception I hear
There are two lines of tears that cannot escape at night
It's the sadness that I can't name
There is a heartbreaking scene in the dream
Follow your script over and over again
Hurt me, are you happy
I know I can only ask and answer myself
You always say something insincere
I'm going to put my fear down
Hurt me, are you happy
I know I can only ask and answer myself
You're still the same. You look so smart
I am punished for love alone
There is a face in my eyes that has forgotten the expression
It's a change of your habits
There is a forgotten oath in the words
This is the most common deception I hear
There are two lines of tears that cannot escape at night
It's the sadness that I can't name
There is a heartbreaking scene in the dream
Follow your script over and over again
Hurt me, are you happy
I know I can only ask and answer myself
Your words are always insincere
I'm going to put my fear down
Hurt me, are you happy
I know I can only ask and answer myself
You're still the same. You look so smart
I am punished for love alone
Hurt me, are you happy
I know I can only ask and answer myself
You always say something insincere
I'm going to put my fear down
Hurt me, are you happy
I know I can only ask and answer myself
You're still the same. You look so smart
I am punished for love alone
I am punished for love alone
Chinese PinYin : Zhao Yong Hua Shang Hai Wo Ni Kuai Le Ma Ge Ci
Lyrics of Zhao Yonghua's hurt me, are you happy
Lyrics of "it's me" at dawn. Li Ming Shi Wo Ge Ci
Lyrics of "I have a relationship" by Zhuo Yiting. Zhuo Yi Ting Wo You Yi Duan Qing Ge Ci
Lyrics of CAI Qin's over the rainbow. Cai Qin Ge Ci
Lyrics of no matter who you are by Du Dewei. Du De Wei Bu Guan Ni Shi Shui Ge Ci
Lyrics of album version by Lin Zhixuan. Lin Zhi Xuan Wan Ren Mi Ge Ci
Lyrics of Peng Jiahui's love song of her love. Peng Jia Hui Ta Ai De Qing Ge Ge Ci
Lyrics of Su Youpeng's deep love. Su You Peng Shen Qing Ge Ci
Lyrics of Sheng Xiaomei's I will follow you. Sheng Xiao Mei Wo Yuan Gen Sui Mi Ge Ci
Lyrics of "autumn leaves" by Gao Feng. Gao Feng Ge Ci
Lyrics of the right man by Chen juan'er. Chen Juan Er Dui De Na Ge Ren Ge Ci
Lyrics of white light's wall. Bai Guang Qiang Ge Ci
Lyrics of love is nothing by Guan Ying. Guan Ying Ai Suan Shi Me Wan Yi Er Ge Ci